My name is Danielle Warnock. Most people on social media know me by my independent wrestling gimmick “The American Bombshell, Dani Grey”. I am entering the 1st phorm fall Transformation challenge for a number of reasons.
The first one, most importantly being that I just had an entire year WAY off track. After 9 months of a bad pregnancy, between gaining weight, being nauseous, unable to even walk or move around some days- and 8 weeks after having two surgeries and recovering from having the baby I am at the highest weight I’ve ever been before. On my delivery day back in July I weighed in at 256lbs. I measured my waist today and it was 48.5inches! To give you an idea of how crazy that is I am 5’2” and normally 130lbs. That’s 126lbs heavier than what I consider a healthy weight. I know bringing my baby girl into the world was worth anything, including sacrificing my body. I have already had two comparable pregnancies so I knew this wasn’t going to be easy, not to mention I am ten years older and the doctors warned me it may be a difficult pregnancy. However I got such a wonderful gift out of the physical and mental pain I endured during this last year that I wouldn’t change any of it! Now I’m ready to look and feel like myself again and train my ass off to get there.
I have goals to wrestle again and just be happy overall with my body and how I feel. Right now I have none of that! I want to show my kids that anything is possible if you work hard and take the road less traveled and that’s why I’m committing myself to this challenge 101%. I’m not just in it to become a healthier happier version of myself, I already know that’s a benefit of a transformation! I’m in it to win. I’m very competitive and thanks to 1st Phorm this challenge has put me in a better mindset to kill it even harder! To get that extra rep in, to make sure I keep my nutrition on track, to have a plan to workout around my busy schedule, and to do everything I possibly can to become a better version of myself every single day for myself and my family!
Secondly, I never do anything just for me! My hubby says that’s one of his favorite things about me! I am doing this to show all of you it’s possible! All of my followers, fans, friends, anyone that gets to watch this journey, this is for you! If I can own a business, take care of two kids and a newborn, make sure the house is taken care of clean, cook, dishes, laundry and everything else that needs done, and still manage to workout everyday and eat healthy to reach my goals, so can you! It may take learning more discipline, and time management skills to get it done, but I’m here to show you that you can do it and to never give up on yourself or your dreams!
Lastly, we own a coaching and nutrition business called Blue Collar Transformations. I took a step back from coaching when my health wasn’t there at the beginning of my pregnancy last fall. I refuse to coach someone when I am not operating at my best! So I control all of the backend parts of the business now while my hubby is coaching the clients. I know I will get there again, and this challenge is a step in the right direction! I need to be confident in my ability to help others, and I can do that by making myself the example. Our clients deserve the best coach possible when they invest in us and I refuse to settle for less than they deserve! We take a lot of pride in our work, and I promise no matter what the results are from this challenge it will put me back in a position to be able to lead by example!
There are a million things you can tell yourself to not accomplish your goals, stay in your comfort zone, or play the victim. Some of my favorite things I’ve heard the last 8 weeks while I wasn’t able to do anything was “take it easy you just had a baby”, “you look fine”, and my favorite, “it took a year to put on it’s going to take a year to come off”!
Look, if you honestly believe any of those things, cool! But I’ve lived this, twice. It did take years to get to my goals after gaining the weight but you know why? Because I didn’t commit 100%. I didn’t stay 100% on track with my meals. I didn’t get in every workout I planned to, I didn’t make my self-care a priority. While I still accomplished something great, it could have taken a lot less time if I would have went all in at the beginning, and while I know I can’t get in the best shape of my life in the next 8 weeks, I know it can put me miles ahead of where I am today. I refuse to not learn from my mistakes the first two times around. I took every day as a lesson. And what I’ve learned from that experience I can use now to make the best effort in my fitness journey.
The last thing I’m going to leave you with is letting you know the most important thing I’ve learned is no one is perfect and it’s okay to fall off track, but it’s about how quickly you get back up, take responsibility, and get back to it that makes you stand out from the rest! Always keep taking steps towards doing the next right thing, and you will notice your progress adds up and puts you in a position not to fail! It’s up to you how fast you make that progress. It takes extreme mental toughness to achieve great results in 8 weeks especially with holidays involved and a million other reasons to make excuses, and that’s why I’m looking forward to this challenge!
-DG ⭐️